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Why You Should Invest in Professional Barber Tools - Certified Clippers

Why You Should Invest in Professional Barber Tools

Barbering as a profession is commitment driven. A barber has to be committed to his skill. This requires long hours of continuous standing and skills that need to be practiced and honed regularly. Keeping up with latest trends and being one up on the competition are some of the hallmarks of a successful barber. As a barber all these qualities will be of little use if you are not backed up by the right equipment  and essential tools to enhance your skill and talent. Investing in sturdy equipment that is long lasting and will do the job it is built for is half the battle won. Setting up your salon with professional barber tools gives the salon a professional vibe. It also speaks volumes of your dedication and enthusiasm towards your craft. 

The need to make your salon look professional and modern  comes at a considerable financial cost. Barber shop equipment does not come cheap. But the cost incurred to procure quality tools can be considered to be a wise investment. 

The first impression is also a lasting one and a well thought out professional set-up is sure to  leave a lasting impression on the client’s mind. 

While looking at the equipment needed to begin your trade, starting with the most essential tools is a good idea. Let’s go through the list that makes up a barber shop essentials.


First on the list of must-buy tools is a pair of shears. For a barber, shears are the first and most essential tool that are used daily. Since they are brought into use more than any other tool, it is a smart move to go for the best quality. Buying a simple low cost pair of scissors will only take you a short distance before you have to get a new pair. Besides, you will not get the precision and smooth cut that can be got by a proper pair of barber shears.


When shears are mentioned can clippers be far away? These two tools are used in tandem to get the best hairstyles which require clean cuts and smooth transitions in length and shape. Professional barber clippers are available in corded and cordless varieties. Corded Clippers are a staple with barbers. The cordless clippers, though they need to be charged frequently, are a popular buy too. 


Along with clippers and shears Trimmers are tools that are used frequently. Investing in good quality precision trimmers helps to give clean edges to beards,  cheek lines, sideburns and forehead lines. Investing in trimmers with long lasting sharp edged teeth and blades work well for both the client and the barber.

Barber Chair

Barber chairs are the  most expensive of the barber shop accessories that a barber will buy. But this purchase is a worthwhile asset. Getting barber chairs that are comfortable, made with good material and adjustable is a good future investment. They will last a long time and are good value for money.

Straight Razor

Straight razors, in the hands of a skilled barber, can create magic. Crisp straight lines, textured cuts and smooth edges can be got with a sharp straight razor. A razor that is of good quality can be sharpened and used for a much longer time than a cheaper variety. They also come with safety guards to give a safe cutting experience. 

Beard products 

Beard care has also found it’s space in the barber industry. Beard hair texture differs from head hair. They,  therefore, need different treatment. Today you get to choose from a range of  beard washes  moisturizing creams, gels and oils that are specially made for beard hair.

Using top quality products will set you apart from the competition and give your clientele a salon experience that they will never forget.

Purchasing the above discussed barber products is money well spent. Quality tools get the job-at-hand done effectively and cleanly. They last a lifetime and help you to garner loyal clients. At Certified Clippers you can browse through a full range of  good quality barber equipment made available by top brands and buy the ones that are easy on your pocket and fulfill your professional needs.

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